Tuesday, January 29, 2019

What you should know about Wine product photography?

Wine product photography is considered to be somewhat complicated form of product photography. It is very much about controlling reflections, balancing details and capturing the bottle shape and wine fullness. Every photo requires to project the wine flavour so that your customers start to desire your wine from a very second they see it.
 While taking the wine shots, selection and positioning the exact angle becomes the centre of focus. By choosing the correct positioning photographers can capture not only the roundness of the bottle and its shape, but clearly represent wine bottle labels. A wine bottle generally has two labels, front and back.

While shooting front mark, photographers deal with decreasing the flare, yet invigorating the name sharpness. Using the rear label, the image is digitally removed and then correctly positioned and added in the post production phase. Front on is most popular angle when photographing the wine bottle. Each wine bottle would require to be lit from the back to create a soft glow and to illuminate the entire bottle and its content.

Such edge additionally causes photographers to highlight the name in the inside position, clear and visible. In some instances photographers may need to rotate the bottle slightly to capture the label in the centre. An additional set of lights is used to light up the label on the bottle, this takes the wine shots to another level.

If you are looking for a company that cares about your wines and provides awesome quality pictures, contact LCM at https://leftcoastmarketing.com.